piątek, 21 grudnia 2018

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"Uformował z bezkształtu kształt i uczynił swoje niebycie naszym byciem.
Czuwając i permutując, czyni wszystko co stworzone i wszystkie słowa."
Sefer Jecirah

“With the holometer’s long arms, we’re magnifying spacetime’s uncertainty,”
experimental physicist Aaron Chou

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. 
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” 
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”
- Max Planck

“Quantum theory requires us to give up the idea that the electron, or any other object has, by itself, any intrinsic properties at all. Instead, each object should be regarded as something containing only incompletely defined potentialities ...”
David Bohm, 1951

Addressing the question of why it takes so much more processing power and memory to figure out a cause from an effect than it does the other way around, Mile Gu asks:
“When the physics does not impose any direction on time, where does causal asymmetry — the memory overhead needed to reverse cause and effect — come from?”
To try to answer that question, scientists decided to force quantum computers to model systems backwards, essentially making them watch a movie in reverse and figure out how it all fits together. What they found is pretty ridiculous: quantum computers entirely ignore causal asymmetry when reading data in reverse. Cause and effect has no bearing on their ability to figure out systems. In fact, quantum computers model systems in reverse-time more efficiently than classical computers model systems in forward-time. Jayne Thompson, one of the co-authors of the paper explains the “profound implications” of this discovery:
“The most exciting thing for us is the possible connection with the arrow of time. If causal asymmetry is only found in classical models, it suggests our perception of cause and effect, and thus time, can emerge from enforcing a classical explanation on events in a fundamentally quantum world.”

Scientists calculate that black holes don't have singularities at their centers. Instead, the theory of loop quantum gravity predicts that black holes shoot out matter across the galaxy. The matter dispersal comes much later in the future.
The papers were authored by the team of Abhay Ashtekar and Javier Olmedo at Pennsylvania State University and Parampreet Singh at Louisiana State University, who applied the theory of loop quantum gravity to black holes to find that they do not have singularities in the middle.
The scientists calculated that the strong curving of spacetime near a black hole's center results in the spacetime actually extending into an area in the future structured like a white hole, which is like a black hole in reverse, spurting matter out rather than pulling it in.

Uważa się, że tuż po Wielkim Wybuchu materia występowała w stanie plazmy kwarkowo-gluonowej. Naukowcy zdołali właśnie odtworzyć ultragorące, mikroskopijne krople tej "zupy kwarkowej".
Naukowcy odkryli, że w starannie kontrolowanych warunkach można generować kropelki plazmy kwarkowo-gluonowej, które rozszerzają się, tworząc trzy różne wzory geometryczne. Jest to najsilniejszy jak dotąd dowód, że te maleńkie kropelki "zupy kwarkowej" zachowują się jak płyn.
Detektor PHENIX potwierdził, że podczas kolizji deuteru powstawały krótkotrwałe elipsy, atomy helu-3 tworzyły trójkąty, natomiast protony eksplodowały w kształcie koła. Wyniki tych testów pomogą lepiej zrozumieć, w jaki sposób pierwotna plazma kwarkowo-gluonowa ochłodziła się w ciągu milisekund, dając początek pierwszym istniejącym atomom.

1. Świadomość może wpływać na procesy kwantowe

Dean Radin @ TSC2016


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