środa, 28 marca 2018

A story never told

Slavyan Stoyanov – The peoples of Ancient Europe

1. Sumerian researcher A. Kifisin: “The ancestors of Rumanians had a powerful influence upon the whole ancient world, respectively upon old Ellada, old Egypt, Sumer and even China.”

2. Pythagoras (580 B.C. – 495 B.C.), Law 1143: “Travel to the Getes, not to give them laws, but to learn from them. There the fields are boundless, all lands are common.”

3. Homer about the Getes: “Out of all the peoples, they are the wisest.”

4. Herodotus, Histories, Book IV: “The Getes are the bravest and most righteous of Thracians.”

5. Plato (427 B.C. – 347 B.C.), student of Socrates and professor to Aristotle, in the dialogue CARMIDES reveals a discussion between Socrates and Carmides, where the professor explains to Carmides what he had learned from a ‘Thracian’ doctor when he was in the army: “Zamolxis our king, who is a god, tells us that the same we ought not try to take care of our eyes without acknowledging the head, not even the head can be taken care of, without acknowledging the body. So, we have to take care of the body, as well as the soul, altogether. Here is why the Greek doctors are not experienced in many illnesses, because they do not know the whole they have to take care of. If this whole is ill, the part cannot be healthy, because all things good and bad, for the body and for the man in his wholeness, come from the soul and out of it they flow like out of a spring, from the head to the eyes. Therefore firstly, let us heal the spring of harmfulness, so that the head can enjoy health, so like the rest of the body. Friend, the soul can be healed through incantations. These incantations are the beautiful words which give birth to the wisdom within the souls.”

6. Dionysius the Areopagite (1st century A.D.): “The following will be about the biggest land that spreads from Asia Minor to Iberia and from Northern Africa to beyond Scandinavia […] The great land of Dacians.” (Fontes, I, p. 529)

7. Marco Merlini, Italian archaeologist, about the Tărtăria tablets and the bones found along with them: “The bones, as well as the tablets are very old. It is a certainty. It is our turn to think that writing began in Europe, 2.000 years before the Sumerian writing. In Romania we have a great treasure, but it does not belong only to Romania, but to the whole of Europe.”

8. Friedrich Hayek – Austrian philosopher: “Rumanians are the people of Europe who were born Christians.” (A few years ago the ambassador of Vatican at Bucharest, in the Academy theatre, said the same).

9. Wilhelm Hoffmann – Description of Earth: “Indeed, nowhere will you find a power of faster understanding, a mind more open, a spirit more alert, accompanied by the gracefulness of being, like one finds with the latter Rumanian. This nation, risen through instruction, should stand in front of the spiritual culture of humanity. And as an addition, its language is so rich and harmonious, it should fit the most cultivated nation on Earth.”

10. Marija Gimbutas – professor at U.C.L.A. – Civilization and Culture: “Romania is the hearth of what I named Old Europe, a cultural entity of 6.500 – 3.500 B.C., based on a matriarchal society, theocratic, peaceful, loving and creators of art, that preceded the patriarchal Indo-Europeanized societies of warriors from the bronze and iron age. It became evident that this ancient European civilization precedes the Sumerian by millennia. It was a period of real harmony, in full agreement with the creator energies of nature.”

11. Louis de La Vallée-Poussin (Histoire du monde. Indo-européens et Indo-iraniens. L’Inde jusque vers 300 av. J.C.): “The inhabitants of northern Lower Danube can be regarded as the places of origin of Indo-European languages, meaning the ancestors of Humanity.”

12. Gordon W. Childe (1926, The Aryans: A Study of Indo-European Origins): “The primary places of Dacians must be searched on the territory of Romania. Indeed, the placing of the main center of formation and expansion of Indo-Europeans must be made at the north and south of the Danube.”

13. Eugène Pittard (1917, La Roumanie – Valachie, Moldavie, Dobroudja): “The ethnic ancestors of Rumanians climb undoubtedly up to the first ages of humanity, the Rumanian Neolithic civilization representing only a recent chapter of the country’s history.”

14. Daniel Ruzo (1968) – Peruvian archaeologist, anthropologist and writer (La historia fantastica de un descubrimiento): “The Carpathians are in a region of the world, where the European center of the oldest culture known today was situated.”

15. William Schiller – American archaeologist (Where was civilization born?): “Civilization was born where the Romanian people live today, spreading to the east and the west (…) 13.000 – 15.000 years ago.”

16. John Mandis: “The oldest discoveries of some writing symbols were made at Turdaș and Tărtăria.”

17. Per Olof Ekström: “The Rumanian language is a key-language that influenced, for the most part, all European languages.”

18. The Romanian scientific researcher Gabriel Gheorghe according to the University of Cambridge (The Cambridge History of India): “In the 5th millennium B.C., the Getic Carpathian space was the only space inhabited in Europe; The Carpathian, Getic or Wallachian space has represented the OFFICINA GENTIUM in antiquity, it has fueled with people and civilization, India, Persia, Greece, Italy, Germany, France and the so called Slavic space; The Vedas, the oldest literary monuments of humanity were created in the center of Europe. The primary phase of the Vedic culture began in the Carpathians, most likely in Ardeal. From Ardeal come the ancestors of Indians, Persians, Albanians, Greeks, who left for Macedonia and Thessaly, the Latins, Celts, Germans and the ancestors of Slavs, who came out through the Moravian defile.”

19. Jawaharlal Nehru, ex-Prime Minister of India (Discovery of India, Bucharest, The State Publishing House for Political Literature, 1956, p. 77 and 73): “The Vedas are the operas of Aryans who invaded the rich land of India. It is likely that the inclination towards agriculture to have been prompted by newcomers, by the Aryans who infiltrated India in successive waves, coming from Northwest.”

20. Bonfini: “The language of Rumanians could not be exterminated, although they are settled in the middle of so many barbarian peoples and they fight not to leave it no matter what, as they wouldn’t fight for a life, as they do for a language.”

21. Ludwig Schlözer (Russian Annals, 18th century): “These Volohs are not Romans, not Bulgars, not Wölsche, but Vlachs, descendants of a great and ancient bloodline of nations, of Thracians, Dacians, Getes, who even now have their own language and despite all oppressions, they live in Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania and Hungary in their millions.”

22. Michelet, Paris (1859), to Cuza’s emissary: “Do not envy the old nations, but look at yours. The deeper you will search, the more you will see life springing.”

23. André Armand: “Indeed this is one of the oldest peoples of Europe…be them Thracians, Dacians. The peoples have remained the same since the Neolithic era – polished stone era – until today, so sustaining the continuity of a nation by example, maybe unique in the history of the world.”

24. D`Hauterive (Memoir about the old and actual state of Moldova, Academic Publishing House, p. 255-257, 1902): “Latin is far from being the trunk of languages spoken today, it could be said that it is less in the nature of the first Roman spirit, that it changed more of its first words and if I wouldn’t fear of giving a paradoxical aspect to this just observation, I would say that it is the newest of all (languages), or at least of that in whose part are found less traces of the language of peoples from whom they were born. Indeed, Latin language comes from this tongue and the other languages, especially Moldavian, are this very tongue.”

25. Huszti András (1791, The Old and New Dacia): “The descendants of Geto-Dacians live today where their parents lived, they speak the language their parents used to speak long ago.”

26. Bocignoli (29.06.1524, at Răgusa): “Rumanians, about who I said that are Dacians.”

27. L.A. Gebhardi: “The Getes spoke the same language as the Dacians and had the same customs. The Greeks used to give the same name for the Getes of Bulgaria, Dacians of Moldavia, Wallachia, Transylvania and Hungary and believed that both Getes and Dacians come from Thracians.”

28. Abdolonyme Ubicini (The Origins of Rumanian History, Paris, 1866): “Dacians are the first ancestors of nowadays Rumanians. Ethnographically speaking, Dacians seem to be confused with the Getes, of the same origin, same language. About this view, all testimonies from the past agree.”

29. Jacob Grimm (The History of the German Language, 1785-1863): “The Dacian nomenclature for plants, kept by Dioscoride (Greek medic from the period of emperors Claudius and Nero) can also be found in the background of the German language.”

30. The Spanish Chronicles (25 – p. 179): “The Daco-Getes are considered to be the founders of the Spaniards.”

31-A. Carolus Lundius (The Chronicle of the Dukes of Normandy): “The Daco-Getes are considered to be the founders of the Nordic nations.”

31-B. Carolus Lundius (Zamolxis, Primus Getarum Legislator): “It has to be clear for everyone, the ones who antiquity named them with a distinguished admiration Getes, the writers named them afterwards, through a unanimous agreement, Goths. The Greeks and other nations took letters from the Getes. We find with Herodotus and Diodorus, direct opinions about the spreading of these letters.”

32. Leibniz (Collectanea Etymologica): “The Daco-Getes are considered to be the founders of the Teutons through the Saxons and Frisians, of the Dutch and Anglians.”

33. Miceal Ledwith (Ex-Counselor for Pope John Paul the 2nd): “Even though Latin language is the language of the Catholic Church and obviously the language of the Roman Empire much later, and as I suppose people don’t always know Rumanian is a Latin language, I think what is not often remembered is that Rumanian, or the ancestry of Rumanian is from where the Latin language came, not vice-versa. In other words Rumanian is not a Latin language, rather Latin is a Rumanian language. So, I want to salute those people from Bucegi Mountains and around Brașov and Bucharest. You are the ones who gave a great vehicle of western culture to the world (the Latin language).”

34. Carlo Troya (1784 – 1858), Italian historian: “No nation of the ones mentioned by the Greeks as barbarian, has a more certain and more older history like the one of the Getes/Goths. The purpose of my work, Getic or Gothic History, is divided in two parts and one of them shows that the Getes of Zamolxis and of Decebal had been the ancestors of the Goths of Theodoric of the Amals.”

35. Harald Haarmann, German savant: “The oldest writing in the world is that of Tărtăria – Romania. The Danubian Civilization is the first great civilization in history, preceding by thousands of years the Sumerian civilization.”

36. Paul MacKendrick (Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals): “Burebista and Decebal created in Dacia a culture that only the narrow minded could qualify it as barbarian. Rumanians are the members of one of the most remarkable creator states of antiquity. Up in Maramureş there is a place marked as the center of the old continent.”

37. William Ryan and Walter Pitman, geologists (1995): “The place described in the Old Testament as being flooded is the one of the Black Sea.”

38. Robert Ballard, explorer (1999), confirms what William Ryan and Walter Pitman said.

39. Cavasius (The Administration of the Kingdom of Transylvania): “The Rumanian language has more latinity than Italian.”

40. Leclerc (Moldo-Wallachia, Paris, 1866): “In Italy, Spain and Galia, the peoples used to speak an idiom of an older formation under the name of Rumanian language, as in the time of Cicero.”

41. Clement of Alexandria (The Stromata, V-VI): “The barbarians weren’t only the discoverers of philosophy, but also of technology, science and art. I have to go further and clarify that the Greek philosophy stole from the barbarian philosophy. Most of the peoples had their apprenticeship between the barbarians. Plato praises the barbarians and reminds, as Pythagoras did, that they learned the most numerous and beautiful teachings by living between the barbarians.”

42. Benedict Spinoza: “At last, another burden of interpretation using this method of some teachings from the Scripture, stand in the fact that we don’t have them also in the language in which they were written the first time… Then the language is kept by the peoples, not only by the initiates, whereas the meaning and texts are kept only by the initiates and that is why we can easily conceive that they could falsify the meaning of the texts of one of the rarest books they had in their custody.”

43. Mark Pagel, professor on Evolutionary Biology, Reading University of London: “Over 10.000 years ago, in the Carpathian region there lived a nation who spoke a unique language, precursor to Latin and Sanskrit.”

44. Clémence Royer (The Bulletin of the Anthropological Society, Paris, 1879): “The Celts, Germans and Latins come from Eastern Europe and the traditions of the historic Aryans of Asia shows them as coming from the Occident. We have to search for the common cradle at the lower Danube, in this Pelasgian Thrace, that its language we ignore.”

45. Jean Laumonier (The French Nationality, Paris, 1892): “The Rumanian or modern Dacian is the true Celt of Eastern Europe.”

46. André Lefèvre (The Races and Languages, Paris, 1893): “The brown Celts that ethnography revealed their traces from Dacia to Armoric (Bretonnia) and Ireland, the blond Gals, peoples who spoke Indo-European dialects.”

47. Prof. Fabio Scialpi: “I am intrigued by the presence on the territory of Rumania, of a number of many toponyms of Sanskrit resonance.”

48. Bonaventura Vulcanius of Bruges (De literis et lingua getarum sive gothorum, 1597): “The Getes had their own alphabet long before the Latin one was born. The Getes sang using the flute, the deeds of their heroes, composing songs even before the foundation of Rome, that of which Cato says – the Romans started to do much later. I cannot be silent about the fact that I have always been the admirer, more than all of the others, of this name noble by excellence, of a nation who believes in the bottom of her heart, in the immortality of souls, where by my judgement, strongly condemning death, they gain an unbounded courage to achieve anything. As we can see, the Getic peoples have been like this always from nature. This nation was and still is, a nation unique and eternal.”

49. V. Titov, Russian archaeologist: “At Tărtăria emerged the oldest writing of humanity.”

50. Pope Nicholas the 1st to Michael the 2nd of Byzantium: “The Greeks name the Latin language, the language spoken by Scythians.”

51. Otrokocius: “That Priscus did not neglect to mention what were the languages spoken around Attila. He presumes by this, that some of the Huns, because of their links with the Romans, tried diligently to learn the Gothic language which is kindred to the Alanic and Ausonic. Whereas by Ausonic, they understand Wallachian, the corrupt Latin (vulgar).”

52-A. Trogus Pompeius: “Even Dacians are a branch of the Getes.”

53-B. Justinus about the Getes, after Trogus Pompeius: “Three times they achieved the dominion of Asia, but they themselves remained continuously either untouched, or undefeated by some foreign power. Darius the Persian king, they drove him out of Scythia through shameful escape; they crushed Cyrus and his whole army; Zopyrion, general of Alexander the Great, they made him disappear the same way with all of his armies; the Roman armies knew them from hearsay, they didn’t sense them. As well they founded the Parthian Empire and the Bactrian. Line of strong people, resistant to endeavors and wars, their body strength was astonishing; they didn’t do anything of what they would have feared of losing and victorious, they do not fierily want anything, except glory.”

54. Baudouin de Courtenay: “In Slavonic can be found many Rumanian words, especially in the language used by the Church.”

55. Fontes II, p. 19: The Belagines (The Divine Laws) “are the foundation of human civilization.”

56. Romanian Academician Ioan Aurel Pop: “In 1592, the century when the imperial commissaries were afraid that Maramureș will unite with Moldova, the aristocrats gathered a council at Târgul Sighetului and judged the situation of the borderlines of the village Borșa, which is close to the peaks of the mountains and its frontier fixed to Moldova. In this document from 1592, its editor who was a Magyar humanist, says: “Nothing I can do now, because I cannot give you the decision in Latin, since these people speak Sermo-Geticus.”, meaning the Getic language.”

57. Isidore of Seville (Historia de regibus Gothorum , Wundalorum et Suevorum): “Rome itself, the vanquisher of all nations, had to serve subdued and to receive the barring of the Getic triumph.”

58. Emperor Trajan (a fragment from his war journal ‘The Beautiful Dacians’): “Dacians do not present their god with a specific appearance, they honor Him just like the Parthians, in the form of a flame which burns endlessly in their temples. Because of immense respect which they show to this God and His prophet, Dacians honor the priests serving this god as well and never do they untie from their word. They give them practical lessons and instruct them even on military strategy. For the commoners to memorize more easily, they teach them by singing, these teachings and lessons about life.”

59. Klaus Schmidt, German archaeologist: “The peoples of the oldest civilizations of China and Japan had migrated during the Neolithic age, for the most part, from S-E Europe, from the region of Dnieper, Danube and the Balkans.”

60. The poet Martial, in one of his epigrams, wrote to Marcellin: “Soldier Marcellin, you leave now to carry on your shoulders, the northern sky of Hyperboreans and the stars of the Getic Pole that are barely moving.”

61. John Maridis, 1968, professor at University of London, states: “The Neolithic cultures Cucuteni and Gumelnița are maybe Europe’s richest.”

62. Japanese university professor Minoru Nambara, specialist in the history of civilizations, wrote: “Maramureș is the primordial village. It is a complex of realities that converge in feeling that here you find yourself in the primordial village. The peasants of Maramureș don’t come from anywhere. You have the feeling they came directly from the Heavens to Maramureș. In other countries you feel, you know the people came from somewhere, but here you don’t have this feeling. Here, in Maramureș, is the primordial man in his princely nobility, not primitive, in his beauty of a high civilization.”

63. In the beginning of our era, in a letter sent to the leader of Dacians – Cothyso, the Latin poet Ovid names him and his people “People descended from the Gods”. Six centuries earlier, the Greek poet Pindar, citing Phrenicus of Heraclea, wrote about the Dacians from the north of Ister (Danube): “The Hyperboreans live in the far parts, near Apollo’s temple. They are wholly unused at war and they come, as traditions say, from the kin of the old titans.”

64. Felix Colson (1862, Nationalité Et Régénération Des Paysans Moldo-valaques): “What was the dialect spoken by Vlachs? The philologists considered it as being imported from the Roman conquerors. It is but only an assertion. The idiom of Vlachs is that of the Pelasgians. It was formed for 30 centuries. It was spoken in the Pindus Mountains as well, 100 years before the conquest of Trajan’s soldiers. In Paeonia, in Pelasgonia, in Upper Macedonia, which Aeschylus names Pelasgia, in the cantons of Epirus and Thessaly, occupied by Pelasgians, the Vlach dialect was not borrowed from the masters of the world. Quite the contrary, the Romans spoke the language of Pelasgians. It is evident that the descendants of Pelasgians who live in great numbers, of hundreds of thousands, in the mountains which were the cradle of their ancient race that populates former Dacia, still talk the national language, which in Italy gave birth to the Latin language. We are not permitted to doubt that the Pelasgian nations were not the Latin nation. Everything concurs towards proving that their dialect became the Latin language. It is indisputable the Pelasgians contributed to the foundation of Rome. The Vlach dialect preexists. Right after the Roman conquest, it spontaneously revealed itself in Dacia, in Pannonia and the Pindus. The Vlachs of Dacia and European Turkey belong to the ancient family of Pelasgians. The Vlachs were and remained Pelasgian Dacians.”

65. The bishop Melito of Asia, cited by Eusebius of Caesarea in the Ecclesiastic History (175 A.D.): “The Christian philosophy, after it flourished between the barbarians, had spread in the empire.”

66. Robert Sheringham, De Anglorum Gentis origine disceptatio: “So even Pliny, Mela, Solinus, shows the Getes as the people of Thrace. All Thracians had been one nation, meaning the Getes, Mela confesses (1st century A.D.).”

“I have shown that the weapons of the Getes had been victorious in Scythia, Thrace, Dacia, Moesia, at the Ister and the Black Sea and I said that they had different names in those regions, because of the variety of their dwellings; but all of them were named Getes, with the same name, by the Greeks and the Latins. However, these (people), with the passing of time, brought their troops and standards to the last borders of Europe, and, an even more aggressive fact, they had managed and mellowed the fiery Romans, as well as Rome itself, and it is said that they had exhausted the Roman Empire so much, that from then on it was easier to be maneuvered by other peoples out of who most of them, catching the occasion, had become brave from then on, casting away their long slavery and tiresome barring. Then, for the first time, the Getes were known by the Romans and the Greeks under the name of Goths; however, since then they are named by writers sometimes Getes, sometimes Goths. About these (Getes/Goths), there is an absolute accordance at the old authors who lived in that time of the Gothic war;…Orosius who wrote his History during the century of the emperors Arcadius and Honorius (when the Goths, under Alaric’s rule had raided Italy), says that the Getes were of Gothic kin and that under the name of Goths they devastated the Roman Empire; soon, he says, those Getes who are now named Goths, about whom Alexander declared that they must be avoided, of whom Pyrrhus had been terrified and whom Caesar left alone, after they had all invaded the Roman provinces, because their dwellings and all their cities had been abandoned and emptied, and for a long time they had shown themselves frightening, are hoping now through appeals to obtain the association with the Romans by vow, although they could have obtained it by arms. Even Hieronymus (About faith, Book II, Chapter IV), when Ambrosius and others believe that Gog and Magog had been Goths, he confesses that the same Gog and Magog were never named Getes by the old authors…”

67. Professor Reynolds, University of Wisconsin: “The Getes, the greatest people of all Germanic peoples.”

68. Philostorgius, Ecclesiastic History (368 – 425 A.D.): “The Scythians beyond the Ister (Danube) whom the old ones named Getes and those who now call them Goths… Ulfilas was ordained bishop of the Christians from the Getic land.”

69. Hieronymus (345 – 420 A.D.): “There is authority (rightfulness) to name the Goths, Getes.”

70. Nicolao Petreio, 1695: “That the Getes were subsequently named Goths, there is no doubt.”

71. Virchow, 1874: “The Celts who constituted what we today call France, came here from the region of the Black Sea, ascending the Upper Danube.”

72. Theodor Mommsen: “Sprung from the same stalk, out of which were born the Hellenic peoples, Italics and Germanics, the Celts migrated without a doubt, so as these, from the oriental part of Europe.”

73. After he mentioned in his speech the troubles that Romania had gone through the communist regime, Pope John Paul the 2nd encouraged the Romanian people saying: “Romania bridge-country between the Orient and the Occident, crossroad point between Central Europe and Oriental Europe, Romania, the land that tradition names it with the beautiful title of “Saint Mary’s Garden”, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and in the name of Saint Mary. In the midst of a new millennium, build your future further on the hard rock of the Holy Gospel. With the help of God you will be the protagonist of a new period of enthusiasm and courage. You will be a prosperous nation, land of good making, peaceful and sympathetic nation. May God protect you and bless you always.”

74. Edgar Cayce (The Origin of Races – Readings):

READING: 364-13
(Question) Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct?
(Answer) As we find, these are changed, in that: Those in the Gobi, the yellow. The white – rather in the Carpathians than India, though this is the change to which they are made. The red, of course, in the Atlantean and in the American. The brown in the Andean. The black in the plain and the Sudan, or in the African.

READING: 364-13
(Question) Where was the Carpathian region?
(Answer) Aarat.
(Question) Where is the location? Is it on the map today?
(Answer) Southern part of Europe and Russia, and Persia and that land. Caucasian mountains.

READING: 364-13
(Question) Describe the earth’s surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.
(Answer) This has been given. In the first, or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden of Eden, in that land which lies now much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in the rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semi-tropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That along the Atlantic board formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean, or the Pacific coast of South America, occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form SOME concept of the status of the earth’s representations at that time! The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?


GET (pronounced ‘Jet’) = Earth-born. In Rumanian, the word ‘gețuitor’ (viețuitor) means ‘living man’. Earth = Geea/Gaia (Geb/Gebeleizis), the same way the word ‘peasant’ in Rumanian is ‘țăran’ which also means ‘man of earth’, where earth = ţărână (in Rumanian).

Sarmatia/Sarmo-Getia/Dio Getia = The Holy Land/Land of God/Land of the Sun – meaning the heart or the hearth of Old Pelasgian Europe. Here we have the Getic Sea (Black Sea), Sarmizegetusa Regia that was the capital and the most important religious center of Dacians. In translation Sarmizegetusa = The Getes of Sarmis/Armis, where Sarmis is the protector of this sanctuary. He was named by the Greeks, Hermes. We also find here the Getic Pole (Polus Geticus) around which the skies rotate. Also there is a saying in Rumanian, ‘get-beget’ which means ‘from ancestor to ancestor’. About the language, following the same logical reasoning, we can speak of the Getic or Sermo-Getic language, although Pelasgo-Getic would also be a correct term.

Djed = The forefathers of the first pharaohs of Egypt. Egyptians use this word ‘Djed’ (pronounced ‘Jet’) when they speak of the ‘old ones’ who lived before them, or simply when they address their grandparents. Therefore this term is not just another Greek name given to the descendants of Pelasgians, but it reflects a great ancestry and multimillenary continuity. In Croatian the word ‘đed’ (pronounced ‘Jed’) means ‘grandfather’, which is another proof that the word ‘Get’ bears the meaning of ‘Old/Ancient’.

Goliath’s brother, Lahmi of Gath, is written in Hebrew as the ‘Gittite’, meaning the ‘Geta’. Gath (or Gitii) was the city inhabited by Philistines. The word ‘lah’ or ‘laha’ in Eme-gi means ‘to shine’, whereas ‘mi’ or ‘mu’ means ‘fame’, ‘family’, ‘to give birth’. Kamose, the last king of the Theban 17th Dynasty, refers to the Hyksos as “Chietain of Retjenu”, meaning the Keta or Geta population of Canaan. The Keta population is written in the Vulgate as ‘Getaim’ and in Greek, ‘Chitiim’ (Land of Chit). The name ‘Retjenu’ is very similar with the Romanian family name ‘Reteganu’. The Egyptian god Ptah is given the title ‘ḏū gitti’, meaning ‘Lord of Gath’ on a prism found in Lachish, which has on its opposite face, the name of Amenhotep II (1435–1420 B.C.). The title ‘ḏū gitti’ is also found in the Serābitṭ text 353. Cross (1973, p. 19) points out that Ptah is often called the Lord (or One) of Eternity and thinks it may be this identification of ’Ēl’ with Ptah that led to the epithet ’olam’, meaning ‘eternal’, whereas in Romanian the word ‘El’ means ‘Him’.

Here are the main ethnonyms the Getic tribes had, depending on the territories they used to inhabit: Getulians, Ilergetes, Indigetes, Mysogetes, Tissagetes, Sargetes, Tyragetes, Samogetes, Massagetes, Geats, Getae, Jats (Northern India), Djed (Egypt), Tocharians – a branch of the Massagetes (Western China). As you can see, the Getes were everywhere.

Never has a „Dacian” Empire existed, but instead there was a Getic one (i.e. The Pelasgian Empire). Before the Romans gave the Getes from north of the Danube the name of „Dacians”, these people were called Dai or Davi and even Dani (Danaans). Others gave them the generic name of Scythians, or Barbarians (by „barbarian” it should be understood „foreigner”, as Greeks named everyone else who wasn’t Greek).

The name of „Dacians” can only come from the word „Dakka” which means „Dagger”, exactly as we find it in the English language. On Tabula Peutingeriana the Dacians appear with the name of „Dagae” which we also find in the Turkish language as „dağ” meaning „mountain”, as is the place called Nemrut Dağ in Southeastern Turkey, a place once inhabited by the ancient Phrygians and Hittites, peoples of Pelasgian descent. It is a well known fact that the Dacians were a people „clinging to the mountains”. In Sanskrit we have the word „Daksa” meaning „wise”, „smart”, or „earth”. The word „da” means „mountain” or „protection”, while „ksa” means „earth”, „plain”, „thunder”, „peasant” or „destruction”. All these linguistic aspects, as it can be concluded, are beautifully linked with historic facts, although the multimillenary history of these ancient people cannot be reduced only to these facts presented here. The key lies in the most ancient and noble name of all which is the name of „Getae”, as it was known in the deepest antiquity.

About a so-called „Thracian” ethnicity, nowhere on the face of the Earth was there such a thing. From the peoples inhabiting the territory south of the river Danube, mentioned by antiquity, no one, not even Herodotus had affirmed that there was such an ethnic group called „Thracians”, these people being, in actuality, the Getes who ruled the territories from both the north and south of the Danube. Put simply, the Thracians were the Getes from south of the Danube, while the Dacians were the Getes from north of the Danube, being one and the same people, speaking the same language and having the same traditions, as confirmed by several ancient historians.

Pliny the Elder, in the work Naturalis historiae (chapters 25-26), gives information about the land of our ancestors and some neighbors: ,,From this in length towards the Scythian lands are people, although neighbors, different up to the coast (of the Black Sea). The Getes, whom the Romans call Dacians; for that matter, the Sarmatians whom the Greeks call Sauromatians…”

About the Latin poet Ovid, exiled at Tomis (Constanța), nowhere does he mention the „Dacians”, but only the Getes, Bessians, Sarmatians etc.

Dio Cassius speaks of Dacians only after 300 years when the Romans named the partially conquered territory, Dacia. But the people call themselves depending on the name of the region they live in. For example the people from Oltenia call themselves ‘Olteni’, the ones from Ardeal ‘Ardeleni’, the ones from Banat ‘Bănăţeni’ and so on, but they are all Rumanians, just as the enslaved Getes from the Roman province of Dacia, were named by the Romans ‘Dacians’, from the name of the province, not from the people’s own identity. To clarify this matter, we have a map by Pomponius Mela, made 63 years before Decebal’s death, in which he names the region from north of the Danube, how else? Sarmatia which is really Getia (Goethia).
SARMATIA — Map by Pomponius Mela, 43 A.D.
When we speak about Dacia and Dacians, we can only do it as a reference point in history, but we cannot identify them with these terms, as they only reflect a history that is not older than ca. 2.000 years. Dacia was only a part of Getia, only a Roman province, a late appearance in history, where the Dacians or Davo-Getes lived. We also find in other historical documents, terms almost lost in history, such as Gitia, Du Gitii (Dio Getia) or Arima, where the enigmatic Hyperboreans lived. But they had many names such as, Arimins, Ars, Rohmans, Aryans, Rumunians and later Rumanians (today Romanians). This should not be confounded with the name of Rum or Rîm for Rome, as if Romanians gather their identity from the Roman colonists, as Latinists affirm in the name of absurdity. The ancient ethnonym of „Rumun” and „Armân” (also our Armenian brothers share this ancient name with us) is to be found in the root word R(u/o/a/i)M which pertains to the Pelasgo-Getic language.

Dionysius Periegetes, who lived in the 2nd century A.D., reminds us about the mythical Arimaspians under the name of Arimans and Homer (8th century B.C.), in his work ‘The Iliad’ (2.781–783) says that the land of Typhon, the most renowned titan, was the land of the Arimii or Arima. In ‘The Odyssey’ the poet says that this legendary territory is the land of Hyperboreans from the north of Ister (Danube).

The Romanian erudite Nicolae Densușianu, in his monumental work Prehistoric Dacia (vol II, p. 165) states: „The Arimii, the old inhabitants of Dacia were also called Rumon or Rumun.”

Also Pliny the Elder affirmed that „Scythians were the old Arameans” (Scytharum populi…antiqui Aramaeos), meaning they were NOT Semites as they were later portrayed by the same impostors who have also striven for the past 150 years to Judaize the entire Emesh culture by naming it „Sumerian”.

Stephanus of Byzantium, a writer from the early 6th century A.D., in his lexicon entitled ‘Names of people’, talks about the Getes and their country: “Getia, land of the Getes.” Also he mentions the Dacians and their land Dacia: “Dacia, the land close to Borysthenes (Dnieper River). Dacians, the ones we call Dai, because we name Getes, the ones who live towards the Pontus (Black Sea) and eastward; and Dai, the ones on the opposite side, towards Germany and the springs of the Ister (Danube).”

Master Herodotus writes explicitly that the name he gives to a group of ,,Thracians” is reffering to the land inhabited by these people and not to their ethnic identity, reminding also the Getes inhabiting Getia. About those from north of the Danube he doesn’t write a word, although he reminds about ,,Thracians” who used to send a messenger to Zalmoxis and how they shoot arrows through the sky when it thunders ,,as they do not believe there is another deity except theirs”. After a few paragraphs he says about Zalmoxe that he doesn’t know if he was a man or a god ,,from the parts of Getia”.

Fabre d’Olivet: “The Getes, in Greek Getas, were after Aelius Spartianus and after the author of The Primitive World (Antoine Court de Gébelin, tome IX, p. 49), the same people with the Goths. Their land was called Getia which should be pronounced Goetia, derives from the word Goth which means God in most of the idioms from Northern Europe. The name of Dacians is nothing but a sweetening of that of Thracians, in a different dialect.” We shall see below how this ,,sweetening” is explained.

About the term ‘Gitia’ we have as a reconfirmation of the sacrality of its name, the Vedic opera Bhagavad Gītā (pronounced ‘Geeta’) which means ‘Song of the Lord’ or ‘Divine Song’ that speaks about the noble Aryans (‘Deva’ or ‘Devi’ meaning ‘The Divine’) who invaded the rich land of India. Also we have the terms Deva/Davo/Dava/Daoi/Dioi/Dai/Daos/Danaoi/Dahae | ΔABO ΨETO – DAB(V)O GETO = ‘The Brilliant’ or ‘The Divine’ or ‘The Wolves’, but they also have the meaning of ‘inhabitants of Davas’, where ‘Dava’ = ‘Fortress’. All these terms are in fact epithets which describe the Getes. When we talk about ,,wolves” we can give as an example Apollon Lykeios the Hyperborean (the Lycan) which in translation means ‘The Light of the Wolf’ or ‘The Enlightened Wolf’.

The exonyms ‘Dacian’/’Daki’ were used by the Romans to describe the Getes from north of the Danube. The same goes for the exonym ‘Thracian’ where the word ‘trake’ for the Greeks, really meant ‘north’. ‘Thracia’ = The sum of all regions inhabited by the Thracian Getes or Thraco-Getes, meaning the Getes of the North (north of Greece). Also, I have to mention that the earliest name of Thrace in the literary tradition, was in fact Perke, representing the rock or mountain goddess (engl. Perk), which is also identified with the local ‘Thracian’ god Derzelas. In the Greek mythology, Thrax (by his name, simply the quintessential Thracian) was regarded as one of the reputed sons of god Ares. In the Alcestis, Euripides mentions that one of the names of Ares himself was Thrax, since he was regarded as the patron of Thrace (his golden or gilded shield was kept in his temple at Bistonia in Thrace). The term ‘Thracian’ comes from ancient Greek Θρᾷξ (plural Θρᾷκες; Thrax, Thrakes) or Θρᾴκιος/Ionic: Θρηίκιος (Thrakios/Thrēikios). The names being exonyms developed by the Greeks.

The ‘Thracian’ pantheon also included Bendis, the great mother and goddess of wild nature, known as Kotyto or Perke, the Mountain-Mother. It is likely that she encompassed influences from the strong fertility goddess cults which thrived in Carpathia and the Balkan lands during the earlier Neolithic (New Stone Age) and Chalcolithic (Copper Age) periods.

The name ‘Hyperborea’ comes from the Greek terms ‘yper (υπέρ)’, meaning ‘ultra’ or ‘above’ and ‘boreas (βορέας)’ meaning ‘wind’ or ‘breeze’. The name ‘boreas’ comes from the Romanian ‘boare’ which means ‘breeze’. In conclusion ‘Hyperborea’ is the region inhabited by the people who live beyond (or above) the wind Boreas.

To demonstrate the Sanskrit resonance of the Rumanian language we shall use just a quick example:

Rumân (Rumanian), mână (hand), a mâna (to lead/to take action), rămâne or rămână (to remain). Where we observe a similar form which suggests that ‘Rumanian’ also means ‘to remain’, meaning something that persists – continuity. Ramana – Indian name. Ram(a) – Deity from the Hindu pantheon, in Rumanian ‘ramură’ or ‘ram’, meaning ‘branch’.

In a village situated near the banks of the Danube, from Mehedinți County, Romania, the peasants use the following words to call for ducks or piglets:

For ducks: MANI MANI (with repetition). Where ‘Mani’ resembles ‘Manu’, another deity from the Hindu pantheon, but also a Rumanian name, where Manu = Emanuel (E-Manu-El), in translation ‘He is Manu’. In Hindi the word ‘Mani’ also means ‘pearl’ or ‘jewel’. But the root ‘MA’, by repetition becomes MAMA, meaning mother.

For piglets: GANI GANI (with repetition). Where ‘Gani’ resembles ‘Ganesh’, another deity from the Hindu pantheon. The root ‘GA’ is another primordial syllable which means ‘earth’ (Gaia). But in the Rumanian folklore ‘Gaia’ is a goddess representing death as a bird of prey, which takes the souls of people after they die.

We have another Rumanian saying: “A dat iama în găini.” Meaning “Iama killed the hens.”, where Yama is another deity from the Hindu pantheon (the God of Death).

These repetitions MANI MANI and GANI GANI resemble the Hindu mantras.

So it is fair enough to say that in the history of our ancestors, the precedence and honor go to the Getes, respectively to the Pelasgo-Getic peoples.


Gabriel Gheorghe (Gândirea Foundation)

Paul Lazăr Tonciulescu

Constantin Olariu Arimin (Ariminia.ro)

Ştefan Anghel (Mato Davo Geto)




niedziela, 11 marca 2018

We're working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need

"The customer is usually wrong; but statistics indicate that it doesn't pay to tell him so."

Nysa znalazła sposób na demograficzną zapaść, który już się sprawdził. Daje REWELACYJNE wyniki. Sąd torpeduje wysiłki miasta.
"Ten bon zafunkcjonował, oczywiście w pakiecie z dobrą pracą, z mieszkaniami, które za chwilę będziemy budować. Efekty przeszły najśmielsze oczekiwania, bo już po roku od wprowadzenia zauważyliśmy ponad 20 procentowy wzrost ilości urodzeń i blisko 25 procentowy wzrost ilości małżeństw – cieszył się burmistrz Nysy Kordian Kolbiarz."
Zweryfikowałem dane z artykułu. Faktyczny wzrost urodzeń wyniósł nie 20%, lecz 22,66% (z 300 w 2015 r. do 368 w 2016 r.). Liczba zawartych małżeństw wzrosła nie o blisko 25%, lecz o aż 29,44% (ze 180 w 2015 r. do 233 w 2016 r.). Czyli było nawet lepiej niż to podaje burmistrz Nysy.
Źródło: http://www.polskawliczbach.pl/Nysa#dane-demograficzne
W tym samym 2016 r. wzrost liczby urodzeń w skali całej Polski wyniósł 3,5% (efekt 500+). Czyli w Nysie, dzięki wprowadzonemu bonowi, liczba dzieci wzrosła o 19% ponad średnią ogólnopolską. To FENOMENALNE OSIĄGNIĘCIE.
Cóż z tego, gdy właśnie "Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Opolu uznał, że wspieranie małżeństw z dziećmi jest niezgodne z konstytucją". I tak kończą się marzenia o wyjściu z kryzysu demograficznego.